Details, Fiction and sodastream

You must have heard the popular Bon Jovi song "Cross border they turn water into wine. Some say it's the devil's blood squeezing form the vine." Well, you don't have to drive across the border or squeeze devil's blood to have a drink anymore. Now you can have your very own soda maker to make soda and sparkling water or Seltzer at home.

With a home soda maker, you can turn your ordinary tap water into sparkling water in no time. You can also make your own soda healthy ways. A soda maker is not only convenient but also can be very economical as you are just paying for the ingredients and not for fancy bottling, marketing and advertising, or distribution.

Lot of health conscious people refrain from drinking soda as it has lot of calories from sugar or high-fructose corn syrup. Since you will be making your own soda at home, you decide the ingredients you want to use. Instead of sugar or high-fructose corn syrup, you can use zero calorie sugar substitutes which will work out great if you are watching your calories.

Lot of us are environment conscious these days and big supporters of green living. With canned or bottled soda, you will need to worry about recycling. Depending on where you live, your area might not even offer you recycling options for your soda bottles or cans. With home soda makers, there is no need to worry about the environment any more. No cans or bottles meaning no need to recycle anything.

Using a home soda maker is lot easier than you think. All soda makers these days come with complete instructions to get you started. Some even come with starter packages containing containers or bottles to store the soda, carbonators, soda recipes, wide range of flavors, etc. With the starter pack, you can get into making your own soda in no time.

If you are wondering how much it cost to make a bottle of soda, you would be delighted to know that a bottle of soda made using a home soda maker can cost you as little as $.10 compared to $1.50 average store price. You can see that making your own soda will save you a lot of money if you are a soda drinker.

If you open a store bought 1 liter or 2 liter soda bottle, you know you will have to drink the whole bottle after opening it. If you lay it aside after drinking a cup or so, then the rest of the soda will go flat giving you no taste at all. Therefore lots of sodas get wasted all the time. With home made soda, there is no waste as you only make as much as you need to drink.

With a soda maker, you can add your own flavor, be innovative in making alcoholic drinks, or even impress your friends and family in a party. There is no reason for you not to try out a home soda maker if you are a soda drinker.

Most of us have been consuming various kinds of beverages without ever knowing what these beverages actually contain. Often, we hear about harmful ingredients like chemicals in these drinks but we are hooked on to these products. Further, the sustained promotion of such beverages means that we can not resist the urge to buy them every time we visit the market. What if you could make your own soda drink, with homemade ingredients and that too, at the press of a button? This is just the kind of benefit that a soda maker offers, i.e. you can prepare a beverage within 30 seconds and choose from numerous flavors. Most critically, such homemade beverages don't pose the threat of adulteration and can be consumed by the entire family, including children and the elderly, without any worries.

In order to understand how it can make your life easier, read further:

Money Saving Option - The cost of a soda maker is easily recovered since every beverage procured costs only pennies. This means that you are saving a substantial amount every time you consume this kind of homemade beverage. You don't need to buy soda bottles or look for refills. You don't need to carry soda bottles. For better understanding of the cost-savings, consider this: one, conventional soda mix flavor that is fed into a personal soda maker equals nearly 33 soda cans and one carbonator refill is at par with nearly 60 liters of retailed soda.
Keeping Yourself Healthy - Sodas that are sold in the market are heavily concentrated with ingredients that slowly erode our metabolism and make us more prone to gaining weight. However, the soda mix used in domestic here soda makers contains far lesser sugar and sodium than vended sodas.
Easy-to-Use- Making a delectable soda drink is rather easy. You merely need to press a button and within seconds, a fresh, delicious spray of soda is available. Further, this device doesn't need electricity or batteries which also means more cost-savings.
Dexterous & Multi-use Device - The device is sold in a compact form which means that it can be easily installed and doesn't occupy much space. Further, it can support making large volumes of soda. It can be used during all occasions. When subjected to negligent use, it is quite a sturdy device and doesn't breakdown easily. The device doesn't present any danger to children who are prone to harming themselves.
Being Green - You are contributing to the cause of conserving the planet. Since you are not creating more garbage in the form of plastic disposal, you are directly contributing to keeping our planet healthier and greener. Having a soda maker at home means that you are preventing at least 2,500 soda bottles/cans from being dumped!
Now you know how a soda maker at home can improve your life and how much time, money and effort you save by making your own delicious soda drink for you and the family. Enjoy!

Now you can have your very own soda maker to make soda and sparkling water or Seltzer at home.

Some even come with starter packages containing containers or bottles to store the soda, carbonators, soda recipes, wide range of flavors, etc. If you are a soda drinker, then there is no reason for you not to try out a home soda maker. For better understanding of the cost-savings, consider this: one, conventional soda mix flavor that is fed into a personal soda maker equals nearly 33 soda cans and one carbonator refill is at par with nearly 60 liters of retailed soda.
Having a soda maker at home means that you are preventing at least 2,500 soda bottles/cans from being dumped!

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